+ Nativity - 26 Sunnymeade Drive, Aberfoyle Park,
+ St Paul of the Cross - cnr Simla & Coromandel Pde, Blackwood
+ Our Lady of the Way - 4-6 Laffers Rd
Glenalta, South Australia
Please click on the link below for information about the Season of Creation event on Sunday 22nd September at Mercy Grove, Belair National Park.
Season of Creation Event
Important Announcement - Blackwood and Aberfoyle Park Parish merge to form
Holy Family Catholic Parish
FAQ Aberfoyle Park - Blackwood Parishes Document
Questions about moving to one parish community
If you have a question not answered here, please email
Vinnies Annual Winter Appeal
11-12 May 2024
Please Give Generously
During November - December 2023 Vinnies team members have spent at least 6 weeks collecting and preparing over 100 hampers for distribution to local families in need.
Fr Mwaura was joined by Deacon Tee Ping and several dozen parishioners
Donations Wanted
...by Friday 7th June
The School of the Nativity is raising donations for the Moore Street Soup Kitchen and the Adelaide Day Centre for the Homeless. We are asking for donations of new or excellent condition items, including: - Blankets, Sleeping bags, Small tents, Raincoats, Jackets, Gloves, Scarves, Hats, Track pants and Small umbrellas. If you can help with any of these items, please bring them to the Church by Friday, 7th June. A PPC member will ensure they are delivered to the school.
Power up with Vinnies
Will you 'pay forward' all or some of your energy bill saving to someone who really needs it?
Backed by ABC Radio Adelaide after a suggestion on-air by Adelaide property developer Theo Maras, Vinnies SA has launched a campaign to encourage people to ‘pay forward’ the $300 discount each household will receive off their energy bill in the recently announced Federal budget measure, if they are in a position to do so.
Our Vision, Our Mission, Our Calling
Some months ago Father Mwaura asked the Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council, as representatives of Nativity parishioners, to commence the development of a Vision, a Mission and ultimately a Strategic Plan for Nativity Parish. The reason for this is to help focus PPC, PFC and our Ministries and groups on what we all agree are the KEY areas where, as a parish, we can and should make a difference.
As a result of this process the PPC/PFC developed the following
VISION for the Nativity Parish
We strive to be a welcoming, growing and vibrant catholic community that embraces the diversity of people and culture through our love of God.
The MISSION of the Nativity Parish
Through faith we build a Eucharistic community of loving, humble and compassionate People of God by reaching out to all.
The Priority Areas the Nativity Parish STRATEGIC PLAN needs to focus on:
Developing the connection between our church and our school
Engagement of young people and young adults
Welcoming new people
Outreach to the wider community
Faith formation
A Prayer of solidarity with Ukraine
Worship at Aberfoyle Park and Blackwood
Saturday Vigil - 6.00pm (Nativity)
Sunday - 7.30am (St Paul of the Cross)
Sunday - 9.00am (Our Lady of the Way)
Sunday -11.00am (Nativity)
Children's Liturgy
Children's Liturgy - details to follow. We also encourage families to engage with the excellent Family Liturgy resources available from the Archdiocese:
Tuesday - 9.30am (St Paul of the Cross)
Tuesday - 12.00pm (Nativity)
Wednesday - 9.30am (St Paul of the Cross)
Wednesday - 7.00pm with Exposition & Adoration 7.30pm to 8.30pm (Our Lady of the Way)
Thursday - 9.15am (Nativity)
Thursday - 9.30am (Our Lady of the Way)
Friday - 9.30am (St Paul of the Cross)
Friday - Mass 12.00pm with Exposition & Adoration 11.00am to 12.00pm (Nativity)
All attendees must abide by our Safe For All code available at Church
View Masses right now on Shalom TV from Australia and around the World!
Our Other Services
Saturday - 5.15pm to 5.45 pm (Nativity)
Friday - 10.00am to 10.30am (St Paul of the Cross)
The Rosary
Monday - 10.30am (Our Lady of the Way)
Tuesday - 11.30am (Nativity)
Saturday - 11.00am (Nativity)
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month - 7.00pm
Anointing of the Sick
As required, contact Parish.
By appointment - please phone or email parish
By appointment - please phone or email parish
By appointment - please phone or email parish